About Haleh


Haleh’s paintings radiate joy, energy, and emotion, inviting viewers to reconnect with life’s most uplifting moments. Her artistic journey began with a cherished memory—painting her first oil masterpiece alongside her mother, a gifted artist. That experience planted the seed for a lifelong passion.

At just fourteen, Haleh moved to the U.S. alone to pursue her education, and art became her anchor—a powerful form of self-expression and connection. She describes her creative process as an intimate dialogue, where each painting starts with a feeling and unfolds organically. Her abstract paintings are inspired by travel experiences and and her profound connection to nature.

Now residing in the picturesque town of Saratoga, California, Haleh is surrounded by a large, loving family. When she’s not lost in her art, she finds joy in tending to her wild garden, savoring moments with loved ones, and seeking new sources of inspiration.

Haleh paints daily, her creations often surpassing what’s immediately visible on her website. For those eager to explore her latest works, following her on Facebook or Instagram offers a glimpse into her upcoming collections. Feel free to email info@halehmahbod.com to set up a studio visit.

Gallery Representations: 

480 Lighthouse Gallery, Pacific Grove, Aug 2024 - Onward

Artfinder.com, 2024 onward

Saatchi Art, 2024 onward

JCO's Art Haus, Los Gatos, Summer 2021

Gallery House, Palo Alto, 2019-2020

337 Mirada Art Gallery, Half Moon Bay, 2016-Present

Online Worldwide Juried Exhibitions Selected

  1. Jan. 2023, Online, Nature Exhibit, Flower Fields, 30x24", Healing Power of Art Juried show, https://www.healing-power-of-art.org/the-healing-power-of-art-inspired-by-nature-exhibition/
  2. April-June, 2022, Online, Healing Power Of Color exhibit, Summer Fun, Mixed media, 36x36" , Healing Power Of Art, juried show
  3. 2022, Online, Abstracted From Nature exhibit, Aritst Aliance, Nature's Positive Energy(20x16), Juried show
  4. 2021, Online, Small Works exhibit, Artist Alliance, Sea Garden, acrylic, watercolor, pencil on 8.5x5.5" heavy watercolor paper, Juried show